Physical Properties of Metals

Chemical Properties of Metals

Comparing metals for reactivity

sodium → violent reaction in water → 2NaOH + H2

calcium → violent → Ca(OH)2 + H2

magnesium → not too violent → MgO + H2

<aside> 📌 more reactive metals form metal hydroxides less reactive metals form metal oxides


<aside> 📌 when metals react with water or an acid → they replace the H2 because they are more reactive that hydrogen


The displacement of hydrogen is redox


Mg + 2H2O → MgO + H2

oxidation state magnesium: 0 → (+II) → oxidation

oxidation state hydrogen: (+I) → 0 → reduction

Metals in competition

— competing with carbon

— a more reactive substance will displace a less reactive substance

magnesium → gets displaced

lead → displaced

Comparing reactivity with carbon

— competing with other metals

Order of reactivity

  1. zinc