Petroleum (crude oil)

— petroleum → made from remains of animal on the ocean bed → converted into petrolem form by pressure

— natural gas (methane) → made from remains of animal on the ocean bed → converted into gas by high pressure

— coal → remains of vegetation in swamps → converted into coal by high pressure

— petroleum → organic compound ⇒ made of carbons + maybe hydrogen


Pentane (C5H12)

Cyclohexane (C6H10)

3 methyl pentane (C6H14)


— transportation

— heat

— products →

Refining Petroleum

<aside> 📌 a non-renewable source


— petroleum → compound of many different hydrocarbons

— separating ⇒ more practical → breaking it down into molecules of similar sizes ⇒ fractional distillation

Refining Petrol in the lab

— by using fractional distillation

Comparing fractions and their trends

— the larger the molecule:
