Redox Reactions

— redox → reduction + oxidation

— when an oxygen is gained → oxidation

— oxidation and reduction always occur together

— if a substance loses electrons during a reaction → oxidation

— if a substance gains electrons during a reaction → reduction

O → oxidation

I → Is

L → Losing

R → Reduction

I → Is

G → Gaining

Writing half-equations to show

— 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO

  1. Write each substances that react and show whether they gain or lose electron(s) with charge

    — left side of the equation (reactants) → gains electrons (reacts with them)

    — right side of the equation (products) → gives our electrons (is a product)

    e.g → Mg → (Mg2+) + 2e-

    → O + (2e-) → (O 2-)

  2. Make sure elements are in the reactants and the products side of the reaction

    e.g → Mg → (Mg2+) + 2e-

    → O2 + 2(2e-) → 2(O 2-)

    e.g → Mg → (Mg2+) + 2e-

    → O2 + (4e-) → (2O 4-)

  3. Make sure both half equations have the same number of electrons

    e.g → Mg → (Mg2+) + 2e-

    → O2 + (4e-) → (2O 4-)

    e.g → 2(Mg) → 2(Mg2+) + 2(2e-)

    → O2 + (4e-) → (2O 4-)

    e.g → 2Mg → 2Mg2+ + (4e-)

    → O2 + (4e-) → 2O 4-

    ** if the two products have the same coefficient (no. of moles) → 1 compound **

    ** if different coefficients → becomes the molecular number **

    Oxidation States

    — shows the number of electrons gained, loss or shared during a reaction

    — elements in groups usually have the same oxidation number as their charge

    — sum of oxidation states in a compound always = 0

    — this can be used to find oxidation states of some substances

    Oxidizing and Reducing Agents

    — oxidation → loss of electrons

    — reduction → gain of electrons

    — increase in oxidation state → the substance has been oxidised

    — decrease in oxidation state → the substance has been reduced

    — oxidation state of a substance in elemental form = 0

    — redox → reduction & oxidation → always occurs together

    — if a substance has been oxidised [increase in oxidation state] → another substance has oxidised it → it is the reducing agent

    — if a substance has been reduced [decrease in oxidation state] → another substance has reduced it → it is the oxidising agent

    1. compare oxidising states
    2. check whether substance is reduced or oxidized
    3. reduced → oxidising agent
    4. oxidised → reducing agent